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How to Implement a New Data Strategy

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Companies are increasingly realizing the benefits of adopting a digital-first strategy but are overwhelmed at the prospect of implementing these initiatives. We’ve compiled our top strategies for ensuring your business can implement a new data strategy without disrupting your organization.

Two women going over notes at white board

Technology Initiatives: Indicators of Project Success

Technology and data initiatives are a major investment in time, money, and resources for any enterprise. It is therefore important that organizations are able to gauge the success of these endeavors. We have put together five key performance indicators to determine a project's success.

Man sitting at computer in office

Do You Trust Your Data?

In an era of fast growing data demand and increasingly fragmented data sources, how do you ensure your company is working with reliable data? We have compiled a list of action items that can help you proceed with greater confidence — or caution — based on the quality of your organization’s data.

Older couple jogging in the woods

The Move Towards “Total Consumer Health Care”

Population health management, the transformation of insurer markets, healthcare’s movement from wholesale to retail transactions, and the formation of mega-systems are driving healthcare in a new direction—towards Total Consumer Health Care. We believe that these trends are fundamental and will impact employers, governments, healthcare providers, and consumers for years to come.


Why Adopt A.I. Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword for quite some time now, but many business analysts agree we've only just begun to scratch the surface of this rapidly advancing technology. AI proliferation is on track to exponentially increase in the years to come. We uncover key strategies and benefits of how can businesses adopt this technology to stay ahead.

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Why UX Matters

Those who embark on the process of user experience (UX) design before beginning any technology project produce vastly superior, lower cost, and ultimately more effective solutions than teams who do not. We examine what UX design really entails and how to successfully put its principles to practice within your project.

Two people comparing notes on a tablet

Is Blockchain Right For Your Business?

There is a lot of excitement surrounding blockchain technology, but when it comes to taking advantage of this new innovation, businesses can feel overwhelmed or at a loss. So, how do you know if blockchain is a good investment for your business? We help you understand the implications of this new technology for your organization.

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